T: 01243 536 840
New Park Centre, New Park Road
Chichester, West Sussex. PO19 7XY
A charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales as
New Park Community and Arts Association
New Park Community Centre, New Park Road, Chichester, PO19 7XY
Company No. 5459818 Charity No. 1110112
Telephone: 01243 536 840
The aim of the New Park Community Centre is to provide a positive and welcoming community centre for people of all ages to enjoy. Some of the activities on offer include Judo, Karate, Tae Kwando, MMA, ZDL and Aikido, as well as many different Yoga, Pilates, meditation and wellbeing groups. There are also a range of dance clubs, resident art groups, specialist interest activities and several after-school groups especially for youngsters.
New classes and activities are added regularly so please check the activities page to see what's currently on offer. If you don't see what you're interested in, just give us a call on 01243 536 840 and we'll try to point you in the right direction!
The New Park Community Centre has a long history behind it, from when it was first built as a school in 1887 to the present day which has seen a whole new building developed and constructed.
To read further on the fascinating past of the
New Park Community Centre, please click on the history link: