The Association is seeking dynamic, forward looking professionals to join the Board of Trustees. In particular, we would welcome people with experience in, fundrasing, premises development, marketing, IT/Social Media, and charity book-keeping.
And we are always looking for new volunteers to help out in the cafe bar.
if you would like to offer your time and expertise in any way, please get in touch.
New Park Centre is managed by a small, friendly team:
- Centre Development Manager, Alli McDonald-Hughes
- Operations and Bookings Manager, Stuart Gaze
- Caretaker, Paul Embleton
The Board of volunteer Trustees comprises our Chairman, Treasurer, Company Secretary and business representatives as well as service user groups and honorary members. The board of Trustees meet regularly to review management and operations matters and is currently considering options for further development options to expand the Centre’s art, sports and community facilities.
Volunteers have for many years been vital to the running of the Centre providing a valuable resource to both the Cinema as Ushers helping to accommodate patrons during film screenings and live performances and for The Sports and Social Club, offering a friendly and welcoming service at Centre's café bar. We also offer work experience placements to pupils at local schools, University internships and take part in HMP's community re-settlement progarnme.
T: 01243 536 840
New Park Centre, New Park Road
Chichester, West Sussex. PO19 7XY
A charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales as
New Park Community and Arts Association
New Park Community Centre, New Park Road, Chichester, PO19 7XY
Company No. 5459818 Charity No. 1110112
Telephone: 01243 536 840