A charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales as
New Park Community and Arts Association
New Park Community Centre, New Park Road, Chichester, PO19 7XY
Company No. 5459818 Charity No. 1110112
Telephone: 01243 536 840 www.newparkcentre.org.uk
Your safety remains our priority so in line with Government guidance, we
may continue to have some precautions and restriction at The Centre and we ask
all Hirers and their participants to observe them.
Please continue to think of others as not everyone at New Park has good health
and some people may remain at risk and vulnerable:
Use the hand sanitisers provided.
Openwindows to let in fresh air.
Stay at home if you feel unwell.
Wear a face covering if you wish indoors
Wipe down any heavily used contact points.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Details of all our activities and services can be found
by clicking HERE.
T: 01243 536 840
E: operations@newparkcentre.org.uk
New Park Centre, New Park Road
Chichester, West Sussex. PO19 7XY