New Park Centre (NPC) is a safe, friendly Community Centre with a range of facilities that are hired by clubs, individuals, and organisations. We have multi-purpose halls and meeting
rooms suitable to run a whole range of fitness, arts and community activities or events:
Over 80 activities per week (view/download our activities list HERE).
Specialist support services;- Richmond Fellowship, Aldingbourne Trust - Network Plus & Workaid, Relate, Gamblers Anonymous, Diabetes Prevention, Speaking Through Music and Epilepsy Action.
Chichester Cinema at New Park hiring our Auditorium offering an independent cinema programme.
Your safety remains our priority, so in line with any
Government guidance, we may continue to have some
COVID-19 controls which we ask all visitors to
observe. For further details, please click HERE.
T: 01243 536 840
New Park Centre, New Park Road
Chichester, West Sussex. PO19 7XY
A charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales as
New Park Community and Arts Association
New Park Community Centre, New Park Road, Chichester, PO19 7XY
Company No. 5459818 Charity No. 1110112
Telephone: 01243 536 840